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Friday, June 7, 2013

Blessings {baby love}

originally, i had planned to have this printed BEFORE my aunt seeing it but i can't help myself any longer!  she subscribes to this blog and chances are she is tearing up (i know b/c i am right now as i type this).  she is one of the most amazing people i know, the other is her mommy (my granny).  both of these women have been been tested through life with losing so much and fighting through cancer(s)...yes plural!

i am blessed to be part of these women and i am lucky if i am ever half the greatness they are.  

ok, enough of the sappy....so here we go.  here is my aunt with her very first grandchild.  he is amazing, isn't he??!  oh how i want to squeeze him. :)  

the best part of this photo, this was the very first time little man fell asleep in his grandma's arms.  a priceless moment for all three of us indeed.

i love you to the moon and back!
(yes, i will have it printed)

he is just toooo cute for words. i mean really people, don't you see it?? :)

 the eyes...oh the eyes!!

1 comment:

  1. Pass the tissue please. I love this, I knew you were taking pictures of big handsome, but I had no idea!
    I will want multiple copies of this one, I am sure his great grandma, my mommy, would love one too.
    This was only our third visit with our first and only grandchild, so these photos are precious.
    I love you to the moon and back!
