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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Canada {VACATIONS do exist}

YES, finally after 4 years hubster and I went on a REAL vacation and on an airplane!  I know, shocker!
It's tough with kids and taking care of an elderly parent but after planning for over 15 months and paying....we had the most amazing time in Canada.  I'm definitely NOT a landscape photographer but I may expand after this trip!!  AMAZING beauty!  I think Heaven looks a lot like Banff!!!  <3  

Enjoy the beauty, it's breathtaking!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

Blessings {baby love}

originally, i had planned to have this printed BEFORE my aunt seeing it but i can't help myself any longer!  she subscribes to this blog and chances are she is tearing up (i know b/c i am right now as i type this).  she is one of the most amazing people i know, the other is her mommy (my granny).  both of these women have been been tested through life with losing so much and fighting through cancer(s)...yes plural!

i am blessed to be part of these women and i am lucky if i am ever half the greatness they are.  

ok, enough of the sappy....so here we go.  here is my aunt with her very first grandchild.  he is amazing, isn't he??!  oh how i want to squeeze him. :)  

the best part of this photo, this was the very first time little man fell asleep in his grandma's arms.  a priceless moment for all three of us indeed.

i love you to the moon and back!
(yes, i will have it printed)

he is just toooo cute for words. i mean really people, don't you see it?? :)

 the eyes...oh the eyes!!

Giving Back {OPLove Photographer}

i had the most fun with this young wife.  her hubby is deployed and she is guarding the homefront with her sweet dogs.  i tell ya, there is no way i can spell those names let alone say them.  HAHAHA....
LOVE!!!  i know, i have several photos blogged...but they were soooo cute!  i couldn't help myself.  really.

College Grad {Lifestyle Photographer}

woooohoooooo, look who has her college degree....this sweet young momma.  i had the honor of capturing some pretty cool photos of her and a few of her sweet little boy.  check out those eyes!  not to mention his beaming smile and evident personality.  he spiderman during most of our photos but i got lucky on a few.

look how he hold his mommy's finger...ohhhhh i wanna keep him.