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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Family Recipes | Cooking Photographer

I've been saying it for years but just have NOT had the time to actually convert all of my family recipes into ONE book.  I suppose there are many reasons why but so far I've got these:

1.  I'll have more so why make it "final"
2.  I don't have time to write them all out and add photos
3.  I don't have time to cook them and take photos
4.  I know there are more reasons why I haven't

So I've finally decided to stop with the reasons why I can't and just begin.  Last year (or maybe the year before) my aunt made me and her two boys copies of her receipes.  The basic existance of our family, is written in this book.  Obviously, I will keep it and treasure it forever but I must say sharing it would be nice too.  I won't dare release my copy so why not create copies for my children...and brothers and sisters....so here we go.

I can't promise to post a recipe a day or even a week.  Heck, I can't even update my blog with current photos sessions, so I'm not making any promises.  :)  I can promise I'll photos just probably not at the same time the recipe hits the blog.  Check back and maybe you'll get lucky. 

Hugs and happy cooking

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