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Friday, June 15, 2012

Living with Chiari {aka the fish bowl}

I've not blogged about this previously, not because I am ashamed but I just never thought much about it.  Actually, I try and forget that I live with this thing, this horrible disease.  I'm lucky though, I only have type I.

What is Chiari you ask?  (kee-AHR-eee)
Well, it's a royal pain but here is the real definition: 
Chiari malformation is a congenital anomaly of the cerebellum and brainstem.
Type I is identified by protrusion of cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum, down to the C1 or C2 level of the cervical spine. It may or may not be associated with syringomyelia/hydromyelia. A lesser degree of cerebellar tonsil protrusion is known as tonsillar ectopia.  (http://www.dallasneurosurgical.com/dns_conditions_detail.php?cid=7&gclid=CJ3e_vGJ0bACFSdeTAodiAqUWg)

In English, it means the cerebellum portion of my brain is sagging and crowding my spinal cord and restricting flow of spinal fluid.  This causes LOTS OF PROBLEMS!

Symptoms  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold%E2%80%93Chiari_malformation)

My current symptoms include:
headaches, sleep apnea, chronic fatigue, occasional dizziness but vertigo isn't constant and my favorite of the week, running water in my ear.  sounds like the ocean is in my head all day...only I'm not finding it as relaxing as I think it could be if I were laying on the beach.  My newest symptom this week is my face hurts.  I know, I know...odd sounding but it does.  It aches.  I'll have a great time explaining that one to the doc.

Now why is my suffering described as "the fish bowl"?  Well my aunt started it actually and honestly, it works.  A lighter way to ask how the disease is that day....

I won't be posting about Chiari all the time but I will on occasion.  Today has been a rough day with the new problem and getting through a work day wondering what this will cause or if this is going to get worse?? 

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