welcome! come in, sit down, get comfy!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Avenue7 Photography: Monster Taxidermy {photographer's hubby}

Avenue7 Photography: Monster Taxidermy {photographer's hubby}: My amazing and talented hubby has a few completed works of art available for purchase.  He continues to blow me away with how awesome his ar...

Monster Taxidermy {photographer's hubby}

My amazing and talented hubby has a few completed works of art available for purchase.  He continues to blow me away with how awesome his artwork is.  Enjoy!!  **these are copyright protected.  anyone who violate this law will be prosecuted and fined the maximum allowed by law.**

check out his site:  www.monstertaxidermy.com

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A repost: A Fellow Photog's Recent Post {more than paper}

I feel as though this is worth a repeat post!  2012 has been filled with amazing memories but also great losses!

Avenue7 Photography: A Fellow Photog's Recent Post {more than paper}: As a photographer I find that I don't take as many photos of my own family even though I have my camera readily at my disposal.  I'm sharing...

Avenue7 Photography: Cancer SUCKS! {rest in peace Jen}

Avenue7 Photography: Cancer SUCKS! {rest in peace Jen}: a fellow photog, artist, mom, wife, sister, daughter and friend lost her battle with cancer on friday.  i didn't know her personally but i...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Brittany & Tony {Spring Photographer}

To say I had a blast with this couple would be terribly understated!  LOVE LOVE LOVE them!
I can't share these on facebook yet because they are purchasing gifts for family but I am just in love with the first image!  Just in LOVE! 
The sun was blinding me and I all I could see was their outline but I knew I wanted this shot!  AMAZING!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Lil Miss W {Spring Newborn Photographer}

Ohhhh how I love me some squishy babies.  Meet Miss W.  The sweetest little angel....and was happy as can be as long as she was wrapped tight!

"R" Family {Spring Family Photographer}

I am so behind on logging sessions!  I had a blast with my dear friend Jen and her family a few weeks ago.  It never fails, I always get into an ant bed!  Although this time, so did Mr. R and the youngest boy.  Let's just say we all did the dance...beautiful images, nonetheless.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

the "H" family {family photographer}

i had the honor of photographing this family a few days before their hero deployed.  four amazing kiddos that are quite well behaved!  mom and dad were a HOOT!!  praying for dad's safe return and that mom and kiddos are doing well.  <3

CANCER SUCKS! {photographers giving back}

Avenue7 Photography is excited to announce a partnership with Shoots for a Cure (formerly known as Think Pink Photography). Think Pink Photography was founded in October 2007 to support individuals and their families who have been touched by breast cancer. We are a charitable organization that serves two main purposes – celebrating life and supporting the cause. Recently, we changed our name and our support. We now want to support ALL cancer patients, not just breast cancer.
Through our professional photographer network, we are helping cancer patients to celebrate life with charitable photography sessions. Individuals may choose to document their fight against the disease before or during treatment, or prefer to capture their victory by scheduling a session within 12 months after treatment is completed. Photographers world-wide are now available to donate time and talent to celebrate life and support the cause. There is no cost or obligation to the cancer patient. Clients participating in a Shoots for a Cure session will receive a complimentary photo session, as well as a set of 10 small prints from the session. They will also receive a discount on any additional portraits they wish to purchase, although there is absolutely no purchase required at any time.
To support the cause, we donate and fundraise for The American Cancer Society and the Susan G Komen Foundation. All funds generated through donations and various fundraising efforts are paid directly to The American Cancer Society, the Susan G Komen Foundation, in our name, or used 100% for marketing and awareness of our program.
Please subscribe to our blog (on the Shoots for a Cure website) and tell your friends and family about Shoots for a Cure. Awareness is everything and we can’t be successful without you.
I encourage you to view our website, make a donation, or hire a photographer that supports Shoots for a Cure! If you hire me, mention Shoots for a Cure and I will make a personal donation to the organization. If you, or someone you know, would like to schedule a Shoots for a Cure session, please contact me for details.
I am very proud to be a network photographer with Shoots for a Cure, and am anxious to get the word out about this amazing program. For more information, you can contact me, or you can visit the Shoots for a Cure website at http://shootsforacure.com

shoots for a cure {giving back}

somethings are just in my heart.  giving back is one that i hold dearest.  i am a believer and if you need it, HE will provide.  some have asked me how i have so much extra time dedicated to giving back?  i just make the time.  i skip tv a lot and i work late to edit but at the end of the day, when i see the smiles and emotions in my work, i'm happy.  there are days (like yesterday), when i'm so sick i can't get out of bed and there are days (like today), i'm slowly getting back to "normal" and can work more.  then i have amazing days where i can work for 12 plus hours and feel great!  anyone can give back to a cause...try it! it feels amazing!!

shoots for a cure

Sunday, October 28, 2012

a baby story {maternity & newborn photographer}

well, let's just start by saying this young lady is our oldest daughter.  she is funny and full of spunk and with that comes her own rules.  it's amazing how you can go from totally disappointed to beyond excited when your very young and unmarried child tells you "they" are having baby.  this little blessing arrived several weeks early but managed to steal our hearts.  life is definitely blessed around this household!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Gold Hope Project {Fighter's Photographer}

Do you know a family that has been affected by childhood cancer? If so, please tell them about The Gold Hope Project, where photographers are helping families dealing with childhood cancer capture precious memories ♥

Do you know a photographer willing to give a little bit of time and talent to a deserving child fighting for their life?  Give them the link below. 

The Gold Hope Project

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Cancer SUCKS! {rest in peace Jen}

a fellow photog, artist, mom, wife, sister, daughter and friend lost her battle with cancer on friday.  i didn't know her personally but i feel like the world has lost something wonderful at too early.  i saw this video shortly after it posted last year.  i prayed for her then and when i heard the news on friday, i was saddened beyond belief.  i feel as though i've lost a friend and it hurts. 

my heart breaks for her husband and children who will endur life without her.  life is precious and we should all take every amazing blessing we've been given and thank our Lord Jesus Christ, for we never know when our time on this earth will be no more.  rest in peace jen. you are now an angel among us for always.

if you're on facebook, share the video on your page.  pray for her beautiful family.

you can also share this blog.  no matter how you share, just share.  God bless all who have had to endur any cancer.  all is horrific and rob so many of their futures.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Miss P is TWO {Child Photographer}

Well, little P is TWO years old!!  Her mommy says she is "spirited", I say she is a bundle of joy with a twist.....with a two year old you don't always get what you plan but that's why I am a lifestyle photographer!  LOVE LOVE!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mr. "A" is ONE {Spring Child Photographer}

I love creating storyboards with the different expressions of kids, all kids no matter the ages.  It's so much fun to see them through the camera and the little faces they make.  Such a ham!

The "C" Family Returns {Spring Family Photographer}

Oh I love return customers!  I just adore the C family!  These guys are so much fun!  Mr. A just turned one!  Hard to believe he was just six months old. :)

Little Miss "M" {Newborn Photographer}

I'm a wee bit behind on blogging...I think next year I'll try and do 3 per week.  Now to figure out a way to remind myself. :)

On to Miss M...such a sweet little baby girl.  She was awak 99% of the time and wanted nothing to do with posing.  Just the most precious with her red hair.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

save baby easton | blessings and prayers

Baby Easton, born 8-23-12 with Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB)...severely painful, incurable rare genetic skin disease



Sunday, August 19, 2012

Great Uncle Oscar's Cinnamon Applesauce | Family Recipes

This is by far the most yummiest applesauce on the planet.  For years I dreamed of it but really thought I was crazy. About 18 years ago I asked my Granny about this RED applesauce and she said the trick was Jello and red hots!  I was shocked!  That tricky Uncle Oscar!  I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

1 large box sugar fee Jello (I prefer Raspberry but Strawberry works too)
1 32oz jar of unsweetened applesauce (or you can make your own)
1 8 oz bag of red hot candies
1/2 cup water

large saucepan
storage container with tight lid

Pour applesauce into your container and set aside.

Melt red hot candies in the saucepan on low heat with 1/4 cup of water until melted.  This will take what seems a lifetime and your hand will be tired.  Do not let this burn.

Remove from heat and add the remaining 1/4 cup of water to the melted candy.  Next add Jello and mix well, again your hand will be tired.  keep mixing or you will have lumps and that will be gross.  Add the mixture to your applesauce and mix some more...and more...and more, until well blended. 

Refrigerate at least six hours before serving.  YUMMY!

Family Recipes | Cooking Photographer

I've been saying it for years but just have NOT had the time to actually convert all of my family recipes into ONE book.  I suppose there are many reasons why but so far I've got these:

1.  I'll have more so why make it "final"
2.  I don't have time to write them all out and add photos
3.  I don't have time to cook them and take photos
4.  I know there are more reasons why I haven't

So I've finally decided to stop with the reasons why I can't and just begin.  Last year (or maybe the year before) my aunt made me and her two boys copies of her receipes.  The basic existance of our family, is written in this book.  Obviously, I will keep it and treasure it forever but I must say sharing it would be nice too.  I won't dare release my copy so why not create copies for my children...and brothers and sisters....so here we go.

I can't promise to post a recipe a day or even a week.  Heck, I can't even update my blog with current photos sessions, so I'm not making any promises.  :)  I can promise I'll photos just probably not at the same time the recipe hits the blog.  Check back and maybe you'll get lucky. 

Hugs and happy cooking

Sunday, August 12, 2012

birth announcement - lil j {newborn photographer}

precious!  that's about all i can say!  <3
aren't those little stars just the cutest???  they match his bedding.  i must give hubby kuddos for buying me the bamboo...i love love love using it to create announcements that will make awesome canvas prints for the nursery.

front of birth announcement

back of birth announcement

Welcome Baby J {Newborn Photographer}

Welcome to the world Jett!  There are so many favorites from this session and it was really difficult to choose just a few for the blog...Although, this is the first newborn session where I was NOT pee'd on but daddy was POOPED on....HILARIOUS!  What an awesome family!  I am blessed to do what I do and love it whole heartedly!