welcome! come in, sit down, get comfy!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Avenue7 Photography: Monster Taxidermy {photographer's hubby}

Avenue7 Photography: Monster Taxidermy {photographer's hubby}: My amazing and talented hubby has a few completed works of art available for purchase.  He continues to blow me away with how awesome his ar...

Monster Taxidermy {photographer's hubby}

My amazing and talented hubby has a few completed works of art available for purchase.  He continues to blow me away with how awesome his artwork is.  Enjoy!!  **these are copyright protected.  anyone who violate this law will be prosecuted and fined the maximum allowed by law.**

check out his site:  www.monstertaxidermy.com

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A repost: A Fellow Photog's Recent Post {more than paper}

I feel as though this is worth a repeat post!  2012 has been filled with amazing memories but also great losses!

Avenue7 Photography: A Fellow Photog's Recent Post {more than paper}: As a photographer I find that I don't take as many photos of my own family even though I have my camera readily at my disposal.  I'm sharing...

Avenue7 Photography: Cancer SUCKS! {rest in peace Jen}

Avenue7 Photography: Cancer SUCKS! {rest in peace Jen}: a fellow photog, artist, mom, wife, sister, daughter and friend lost her battle with cancer on friday.  i didn't know her personally but i...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Brittany & Tony {Spring Photographer}

To say I had a blast with this couple would be terribly understated!  LOVE LOVE LOVE them!
I can't share these on facebook yet because they are purchasing gifts for family but I am just in love with the first image!  Just in LOVE! 
The sun was blinding me and I all I could see was their outline but I knew I wanted this shot!  AMAZING!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Lil Miss W {Spring Newborn Photographer}

Ohhhh how I love me some squishy babies.  Meet Miss W.  The sweetest little angel....and was happy as can be as long as she was wrapped tight!

"R" Family {Spring Family Photographer}

I am so behind on logging sessions!  I had a blast with my dear friend Jen and her family a few weeks ago.  It never fails, I always get into an ant bed!  Although this time, so did Mr. R and the youngest boy.  Let's just say we all did the dance...beautiful images, nonetheless.