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Sunday, October 28, 2012

a baby story {maternity & newborn photographer}

well, let's just start by saying this young lady is our oldest daughter.  she is funny and full of spunk and with that comes her own rules.  it's amazing how you can go from totally disappointed to beyond excited when your very young and unmarried child tells you "they" are having baby.  this little blessing arrived several weeks early but managed to steal our hearts.  life is definitely blessed around this household!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Gold Hope Project {Fighter's Photographer}

Do you know a family that has been affected by childhood cancer? If so, please tell them about The Gold Hope Project, where photographers are helping families dealing with childhood cancer capture precious memories ♥

Do you know a photographer willing to give a little bit of time and talent to a deserving child fighting for their life?  Give them the link below. 

The Gold Hope Project

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Cancer SUCKS! {rest in peace Jen}

a fellow photog, artist, mom, wife, sister, daughter and friend lost her battle with cancer on friday.  i didn't know her personally but i feel like the world has lost something wonderful at too early.  i saw this video shortly after it posted last year.  i prayed for her then and when i heard the news on friday, i was saddened beyond belief.  i feel as though i've lost a friend and it hurts. 

my heart breaks for her husband and children who will endur life without her.  life is precious and we should all take every amazing blessing we've been given and thank our Lord Jesus Christ, for we never know when our time on this earth will be no more.  rest in peace jen. you are now an angel among us for always.

if you're on facebook, share the video on your page.  pray for her beautiful family.

you can also share this blog.  no matter how you share, just share.  God bless all who have had to endur any cancer.  all is horrific and rob so many of their futures.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Miss P is TWO {Child Photographer}

Well, little P is TWO years old!!  Her mommy says she is "spirited", I say she is a bundle of joy with a twist.....with a two year old you don't always get what you plan but that's why I am a lifestyle photographer!  LOVE LOVE!!