welcome! come in, sit down, get comfy!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Pricing Update | Premier Lifestyle Photographer

Pricing updates are in the works!!

I've listened to the concerns of my very valued customers and will be including a few surprises with all sessions.  :)

Avenue7 Photography

{Casting Call} Premier Child Photography

We are looking for 5 and 6 year old little ones. 
Must not be camera shy. :) 
Please email a snapshot of your little one before May 10, 2012 to:  wendy@avenue7photography.com
Names of recipients will be drawn on May 11, 2012 and the winners contacted before May 20th.  Session to take place June 9th and June 30th ONLY. 
What you will receive for your time:
Free session - 1 hour max, ($125 value)
CD with up to 10 edited images + print release ($250 value)
Watermarked images to share on social sites & email
Between 2 & 4 clothing changes, depending on time
30% of all prints/products

*the fine print*
must sign model release form
must use watermarked images on the web ONLY, no exceptions
cannot be redeemed for cash value
reschedules due to weather ONLY

Seniors 2012 | Last Call


There are FOUR sessions left to capture your memories BEFORE graduation!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Fun Frames from Cut it Out Already | Photography

As I read through some emails from fellow bloggers (LollyJane), I noticed they had a post for new frames!  We all LOVE the funky frames that are a total HIT with just about everyone!  So of course, I had to share the love too.  I've ordered and even sold other frames that are equally awesome but these are more...affordable.  They come ready to paint and are just the cutest!!  Photos come when I get my order!!  Until then, take a peek at their site and go buy from fun frames!!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ben Stuart | Breakaway Ministries | Podcasts

I have many friends and family that feel that church isn't the place for them.  If you have friends or family that feel this way, please share this link.  Ben Stuart has a way of pulling you into the gospel. 

Easter 2012 | Sermons | Faithbridge

This is why we attend Faithbridge...although, I wish they would have the Saturday service be a normal thing!!  *hint hint*

Easter 2012 | Sermons | Faithbridge

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

C Family, one more {Spring Family Photographer}

I just couldn't resist!  This shot was literally two seconds before a major melt down.  Anyone who has children knows a photographer has about a minute of their attention...and when there is a park close by....you have zero.  :)  <3

Miss Machenzie {Klein Senior Photographer}

I'm a bit partial to this one, mainly because she is one of mine. <3
Oh what an honor it is to be a mom.  Even with graduation being around the corner, I still look at her and see this little girl in braids.  Oh how my life is blessed and my cup runneth over....

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The "C" Family: Sneak Peak {OpLove Photographer}

I had the honor and privilege capturing some amazing moments for the C family!  When they first arrived another gentleman at the park took a minute and thanked Mr. C for serving our country.  For me personally, that was the best part of the shoot. :) 

Thank you Mr. C for serving in our armed forces so we may continue to be FREE!  God bless their family!

This is just a quick peek into the session but I had to post....

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Miss Sarah {Klein Senior Photographer}

*sneak peak* Meet Sarah, HS Senior!  Sarah will attend college in the fall and wants to be a teacher!  Go Sarah!  I had a blast with Sarah and her mom.  Such a fun and beautiful girl!  I can't wait until our next outing...it must be soon!!  <3

Yellow Rose Ball {Klein Senior Photographer}

I was one very proud momma Saturday night!  My youngest daughter is a member of Junior Guild, a non-profit organization that far exceeds any expectations.  My little one has made me so proud!  I am just speechless at how beautiful she is and what an amazing person she has become.